Program "Teaching Quality"

In order to improve the study conditions for our students, the Mercator School of Management has invested study fees into 20 academic assistant positions that have been allocated to the different chairs in relation to their quantitative teaching performance. Academic assistants serve as the main link between students and chairs. In return, the chairs agree to a sanctioned service commitment, which formulates the main aims of the program.

The chairs that participate in the program sign a commitment which guarantees for the following services:

1. Every exam will be assessed within 4 weeks.

It takes 4 weeks maximum for the exam results to be published; the chairs strive to correct every exam within 2 weeks. Every chair permits the students access to their exam. In case of 3rd attempts an early assessment will be made possible.

2. Every thesis will be assessed within 6 weeks.Every thesis will be assessed within 6 weeks after submission.

After the grade has been released by the examination office, students are given the opportunity of a feedback meeting (see also No 8).

3. Every student receives a seminar slot without delay.

Numbers of seminar slots will not be limited - in case of shortages the chairs offer a second seminar. Every seminar qualifies as preparation for a diploma or master thesis.

4. Students receive the opportunity to write a bachelor/master thesis as soon as possible.

On condition that all examination requirements are fulfilled, students receive a thesis topic within the desired semester.

5. Every email will be answered within 24 hours.

During office hours (Monday to Friday), students will receive a response to their emails within 24 hours. If an answer via email is not possible, a conversation via telephone or in person will be arranged promptly.

6. Lecture materials will be available 1 week before the lecture starts at the latest.

Lecture materials are available on the Internet or in the copy shop at least one week before the lecture starts. The chairs do not sell materials.

7. Training units will be offered for all relevant lectures.

If didactically useful, trainings will be offered by the chairs. Moreover, the chairs supervise tutorials and adjust the student tutors' performance to their own teaching program.

8. All students will be offered a feedback talk about their written assignments

All students can ask their supervisors for a feedback talk about their seminar papers or Bachelor/Master theses in order to identify shortcomings and improve their performance in future scientific writing.

Current MSM News

 Mon, 10. Jun. 2024   Stefan de Dios Panal

UDE Stipendientag am 13.06.24, LA Foyer

Liebe Studierende, am 13.06.2024 bietet das Akademische Beratungs-Zentrum (ABZ) ein besonderes Highlight an. Ab 16 Uhr können sich Studierende und Promovierende am Campus Duisburg, LA Foyer rund um das Thema Förderung durch...
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 Mon, 10. Jun. 2024   v.d.Goltz

Neue BWL-Master starten zum Wintersemester

Liebe Studierende, wir freuen uns, Ihnen ab dem kommenden Wintersemester zusätzlich drei neue betriebswirtschaftliche Masterlinien anbieten zu können: Finance and Data Analytics Internal Auditing and Artificial...
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 Wed, 05. Jun. 2024   Christin Münch

Gastvortrag von Professor Dr. Claudio Toledo, Brasilien

Am Montag, 24.06.24, ist Herr Professor Toledo von der Universidade de São Paulo (USP) in São Carlos (Brasilien) zu Gast am Lehrstuhl von Professor Kimms. Um 11:15 Uhr hält er einen Gastvortrag zum Thema "Mission and Path Planning...
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 Wed, 05. Jun. 2024   Stefan de Dios Panal

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 Wed, 05. Jun. 2024   Stefan de Dios Panal

Reminder: Informationsveranstaltung zu Stipendien für MSM-Studierende via Zoom

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 Tue, 04. Jun. 2024   Stefan de Dios Panal

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Liebe Studierende, unter dem Titel „Zahlen, Daten, Fritten“ findet seit 2021 eine einstündige digitale Veranstaltungsreihe statt, die sich an Studierende aller Fächer richtet. Sie widmet sich der Relevanz von Datenkompetenz in...
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 Mon, 03. Jun. 2024   Vanessa Lopez-Kasper

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 Sun, 02. Jun. 2024   Stefan Krebs

Teilnehmerlisten der Excel Grundkurse im 2. Block des Sommersemesters 2024

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 Wed, 29. May. 2024   Lena Grünhagen

Angebot von neuen Kursen für das Mobilitätsfenster im Master M&E

Im Juni 2024
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 Thu, 23. May. 2024   Vanessa Lopez-Kasper

Student Chapter meets KPMG - Juni 2024

KPMG zu Gast am UDE-Campus in Duisburg
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 Tue, 21. May. 2024   Lehrstuhl Finance

[Translate to English:] Konferenz "Narrative Economics Alliance Ruhr" (NEAR)

[Translate to English:] Liebe Kollegen und Studierende, wir freuen uns sehr auf unsere erste NEAR Konferenz zum Thema Narrative Economics, die diese Woche (23. und 24. Mai) stattfindet. Die Teilnahme ist für alle interessierten...
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 Wed, 15. May. 2024   v.d.Goltz

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