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Mon., 06. Jan. 2025 Finance & Banking
Job offer: Student assistant (m/w/d)
Dear students,
we are looking for a student assistant (m/f/d) to work at our chair.
We are looking for: Students in an Economics/Business Administration program with good grades. We are looking for good English skills, the ability to work in a team, a high level of motivation, and good self-organization. Likewise, we would like to see a high-quality and conscientious way of working.
Desirable but not required additional qualifications: Experience with econometric software and programming languages (e.g. R, Python, STATA, or LaTeX).
We offer: exciting insights into the academic work in research and teaching, collaboration with a committed and dynamic team, possibility of home office, and a flexible arrangement of working hours. We will arrange the weekly working hours (approx. 4 to 12 hrs.) individually with you.
Interested? Then please send your application (by email) as soon as possible to:
Prof. Dr. Matthias Pelster
Chair of Corporate Finance and Banking
We are looking forward to receiving your application!
Best regards
Your Chair of Finance & Banking
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